Backup AS A Service

Mjenzi Cloud Platform Sample Virtual Machine Estimates
CentOS, Debian, FreeBSD, SuSE Linux Enterprise, Ubuntu, Windows Server Appliances including pfSense, RouterOS, WatchGuard FireboxV, VyOS are enabled by default. For other OS templates, contact our team today!
Mjenzi Infrastructure -As-A-Service (IAAS)
Extreme Performance
A fully redundant, self-healing cloud platform with markedly better performance/resilience vs. AWS, Azure, GCE. Very easy to administer platform
Breakthrough Tech
Mjenzi Cloud is built by unique hyperconverged architecture that reduces DC footprint (power/hardware) by 50%+ for sustainable cost advantages
Highly Flexible Cloud
Decoupling of Memory / Storage/ Network components allows you to design the cloud that fits you. You are not locked down to fixed ratio plans and you scale on-demand.
Pure Flash Storage
Private L2 Networks & separate public networks. Both Windows/Linux support, self Healing, auto failover & reliability Infiniband!
Innovative/unique design delivers a highly competitive cloud at the best ratios on the market.
Consistency Of Performance
Excellent support & customer success over $$ philosophy. We are always available to support our clients simplify Cloud.
A Complete Out-of-the Box Enterprise Cloud Solution
An enterprise-grade turnkey suite of enterprise cloud that allows you to manage your cloud infrastructure efficiently, securely, flexibly and cost-effectively.
Software Defined Datacentre
Virtualize everything, use IT-as-a-Service to gain infinite scalability hosted in our top-tier global datacenters or yours.!
Retail/Whole Public/Private Cloud
We enable you to resell our cloud platform or build a private cloud for your organisation at unbeatable margins.